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Eid Al-Fiter 2023: A Joyous Celebration and Record-Breaking Turnout for Albanian Muslims IN TORONTO
(English below)Në një atmosferë të mahnitshme në "Capital Banquet Center" u fal namazi i Fitër-Bajramit dhe u festua kjo festë e mrekullueshme. Që në orët e para te mëngjesit besimtarët iu drejtuan shtëpisë së All-llahut, me gëzim dhe me shpresë te All-llahu se...
Allahu ju shpërbleft me të gjitha të mirat e kësaj bote dhe botës tjetër. Zoti jua pranoft agjerimin, lutjet dhe veprat e mira!
Eid Prayer | Falja Bajramit
The Eid prayers will be held at Capitol Banquet Center Address: 6435 Dixie Rd, Mississauga, on April 21st, 2023 the Ceremony starts at 6:00 am with morning prayers, then there will be a lecture by Imam Adnan Berbatovci, and Eid prayers will take place at 6:45 am. The...
Sponsor our Eid Al-Fiter Dinner / Sponsorizo Darkën e Fiter Bajramit
Help us make this year's Eid Al-Fiter Dinner Party for the Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto a success! As a registered charity with charity number 119050037 RR 0001, we rely on the generosity of businesses and individuals to support our programs and events. By...
Eid Al-Fiter Dinner Event – Sunday, April 30th, 2023
We are pleased to inform you that this year the Mosque will hold an Eid Al-Fiter Dinner on April 30th, 2023 for all our members. Price:Under 4 years = Free4 years – 10 years = $55.00 11 years+ = $85 Details:Date: Sunday April 30th, 2023 Start: 4:00pmLocation: Capitol...
Ramadan Timetable 2023
May Allah bless you abundantly during this Ramadan! Happy Ramadan to you and your loved ones. May God accept your prayers and fasts. Please see the Ramadan timetable attached below. RAMADAN TIMETABLE 2023 [ENGLISH] Përhajr Ramazani. Zoti ua pranoftë gjitha adhurimet!...