Eid Al-Fiter Dinner Event – Sunday, April 30th, 2023

April 8, 2023

We are pleased to inform you that this year the Mosque will hold an Eid Al-Fiter Dinner on April 30th, 2023 for all our members.

Under 4 years = Free
4 years – 10 years = $55.00
11 years+ = $85

Sunday April 30th, 2023 Start: 4:00pm
Location: Capitol Banquet Centre 6435 Dixie Rd
Mississauga, ON

*Note: Tickets will also be sold on April 21st at the Eid banquet prayer.
*Note: Tickets will NOT be sold at the door during the event. Please make sure to secure your spot prior to the event.

Kemi nderin të ju informojmë që këtë vit Xhamia Shqiptare organizon Darkën e Bajramit për të gjithë familjet muslimane me daten 30 Pril 2023

Cmimet e Biletave
Fëmijët Nën 4 vite = falas
4 vite deri në 10 vite = $55.00
11 vite plus = $85

Data: 30 Pril 2023 e diel
Ora: 16:00
Adresa: Capitol Banquet Centre 6435 Dixie Rd
Mississauga, ON

*Sqarim: Biletat mund ti bleni edhe në ditën e Bajramit, me 21 Pril, 2023 ne vendin e faljes së Bajramit.
*Sqarim: Bileta NUK do te shiten ne hymje. Ju lutem beheni rezervimet më par.

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