CRM – Website – Fitra

May 19, 2020

(CRM, Website, Fitra)

“In the Name of God, The Beneficent, The Merciful”
Honorable members of the Albanian Mosque in Toronto, donors, supporters, compatriots, brothers and sisters.

Thank you and may God reward you with your continued support for enabling the existence of the Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto and our Mosque for almost 65 years, and with this you have contributed not only to the preservation of our religious traditions but also to our cultural and national Albanian traditions.

  1. In order to keep pace with the time, it’s our pleasure to inform you that after a tireless volunteer work, the first phase of the electronic database (CRM) and the website of the mosque has been completed, a thousand times thank you to all of those who in some way have helped these two projects!
    • –  CRM will provide access and updating of information by members and increase to a higher level of transparency, while the board will facilitate the work in creating effective reports to further enhance and strengthen our organization. If so far you have not received an e-mail invitation to register on the new portal of the mosque, this means that we do not have your e-mail address in our database, therefore, please contact us by sending the name of the head of the family and your e-mail address to below e-mail: [email protected]
    • –  User-Friendly website, which will enable faster information, contain more detailed information, have more instructions in the service of our members and be constantly updated and administered.
  2. In order to facilitate the fulfillment of the Fitrah obligation and taking into account the situation created as a result of Covid-19, the Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto this year also collects them. The value of the Fitrah is $10 for each family member and payment can be made online by clicking on the link below:
    or by visiting the mosque’s website https://albmuslim.caPlease select Fitra to the question which program are you supportingWe ask God Almighty to accept our fasting, prayers and worship during this holy month. May the peace and mercy of God be upon you and your families!

    Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto



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