Mosque Siding Project

Mosque Siding Project

Completion Date: 09-DEC-2023 Mosque Siding Project From Old to New: The Mosque’s Siding Transformation Reflecting On Our Past As we embark on our journey of transformation at our Albanian mosque, it’s important to remember where we started. The old siding,...
Mosque Doors Project

Mosque Doors Project

Mosque Doors Upgrade 12-NOV-2023 New Doors, New Beginnings: Our Mosque Doors Transformation The recent upgrades of the doors at the mosque has been a remarkable improvement not only for the exterior look, but also making it a more inviting place for members to enter...
Mosque Sound System Project

Mosque Sound System Project

Mosque sound system Upgrade DESIGN APPROACH The recent renovations of the sound system at the mosque has been a large milestone for the community. With new speakers, new camera stand, and new wireless microphones, it has made the Mosque look more neat but also easier...
Mosque Restroom Project

Mosque Restroom Project

Mosque Restroom Renovations DESIGN APPROACH The recent renovations of the restroom facilities at our mosque has marked a significant improvement in the community’s religious practice. With the upgrade of the tiles and the design of the entire restroom, the...