Women’s Potluck Gathering – Saturday, November 12th, 2022

October 31, 2022

Dear Muslim Members of the AMST,

We will be holding a women’s Potluck gathering on November 12, 2022 beginning from 3:00pm at the Albanian Mosque in Toronto. (Please feel free to bring your favourite treat)

The purpose of this faithful gathering is to bring together our Albanian Muslim sisters in the community. We will have an open dialogue about the essential committees/groups that will play a vital role to enhance the future of our Mosque and members.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Don’t miss an opportunity to share your ideas.

May God bless you and your Families


Tё nderuar Antar,

Me datёn 12 Nentor, 2022 do tё mbajm njё organizim tё grave dhe vajzave, duke filluar nё ora 15:00 nё Xhaminё Shqiptare nё Toronto. (mundeniti te sjellni ushqimin e juaj te preferuar)

Ky organizim do tё mbahet pikrisht pёr te mledhur motrat tona shqiptare nё komunitet dhe tё hapum dialogun rreth tё ardhmen e Xhamis ton tё madhe nё Toronto. Me knaqёsi do ju degjojm.

Ju mirpresim, dhe lusim Zotin e Madherishum te ju bekoj ju dhe familjet tuaja.


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